October Get-together 2011

Music Off

October 10 - Carl and Ann Kimberlin host "the Fish Fry" at their Olive Branch Home.  A nice group of Classmates and friends were present on this occasion.

Thanks to Joyce for these photos.  Click on a small photo to see a large photo.

Ann - Helen

Ann - John Earl Winford - Joyce

Bennie - Glenda

Jo - Jo Ann Bill - Ann

Bill - Esther

Joe - Betty Bob - Jim

Bob - Winford - Tom

Carl Carl - Glenda

Carl's Cars

Carl - Ken More Carl's Cars


Cortez - Helen - Trey John - Carol

Don - Nancy

Elizabeth - Delores Elizabeth - Joyce

Esther - Jerry - Gerald

Faye - Sammie Debbie - Larry

Jo - Candy - Jo Ann

Bob-Sammie-Margaret-Ann-Bennie Gerald - Bill


Shirley-Bennie-Glenda-Faye-Sammie Helen-Pat-Margaret-Shelley-Nancy

Glenda - Jesse

Ida Jim - Elizabeth

Jo Ann - Winford - Joyce - Ken

Joe - Betty Jo - Jo Ann

Jo - Shirley

Joyce - Margaret Ann - Carl

Ann - Mary Grace - Carl

Joan - L.C. - Winford Margaret - Ann - Esther

Gerald - Faye

Tom - Melba Nancy - Margaret - Sammie

Mary Grace

Jesse - Glenda - Joyce - Winford Jesse - Glenda - Winford

Party Room

Party Room Shelley - ??

Elaine - Jerry

Winford - Johnny Jo - Johnny
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