June Get-Together 2006

June 23 at Ann and Carl Kimberlin's.  48 classmates  got together for a great fish fry in the beautiful country setting of the Kimberlin's Olive Branch home.  And Carl displayed a great selection of his Classic Cars on the grounds.

Thanks to Joyce for these photos.   Click on any thumbnail photo for an enlargement. 

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 Carl - Ann






Classic Cars


David - Carl


Delores - Bill


 Esther - Ann


Walker - Bob


 Pat - Elaine - Barbara


 Glenn - Roberta


Faye - Florine


Jerry - Pat - Don


 Jesse - Bennie - Glenda - Tom


Mary Nell - Florine - Ann


Glenn - Ed - Don


 Jim - Trae


 Teddy - Barbara - Sammie - Faye


 Winford - John Earl - Bob - Harry


 Tom - Ann - Bennie


John Earl - Walker


Winford - Gerald - Carl


Elizabeth - Doris


Roberta - Betty


Ruth Ann - Bob


Sy - Ann - Jo  - John Earl - Winford


Thurmond - Bonnie


 Esther - David - Ann


Candy - Ann - Jo - Mary Nell


Winford - Sy


Helen - Trae


Bonnie - Ann

John Barber - Carol

Florine - Bill


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