June Get-together 2010


June 19 - The June "Fish Fry" was hosted by Ann and Carl Kimberlin at their Olive Branch home.  35 classmates and friends were present on this occasion.  This month's photos are mostly "candid" and are presented in the order in which they were taken.  Lots of serious conversations going on in this group.

Thanks to Joyce Sides Baker for these photos.  Click on a small photo to see a large photo.

Jesse - Glynda - Ann

Bobby Winford - Jim

Don - Nancy

Tom Margaret - Bobby

Helen - Connie - Shirley

Shirley - Sue - Delores Ida

Esther - Helen

Delores - Bill Melba - Ann - Carol

Sue - Esther

Ann Joyce - Shirley

Jerry - John Earl

Let's Eat Keep it moving...

End of the line

Debbie - Larry Patrick - Winford

Bettie - Ann

Patrick Melba

Joyce - Carl

Trey-Don-Nancy-Carl Jim - Winford

Jesse - Malcolm

Winford - Joyce Jerry - Sue - Jo

Bill - Margaret

John - Carol Carol - John

John Earl - Jo

Carl - Bill Sue - Jesse - Glynda

Bill - Bobby

Malcolm - Connie Trey - Helen


Patrick - Ann - Carl Patrick - Ann

Bill - Sue

Smile!` Nancy - Ann
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