December Get-together 2008

Music Off

December 6 - Carl and Ann Kimberlin hosted our Christmas party at their Olive Branch home.   46 were present on this occasion.

Thanks to Joyce for the photos.  Click on a small photo to see a large photo


Merry Christmas Ann - Carl

Jo Ann - Jo

Joyce - Winford Sue - James Cody

Dianna - Malcolm - Jesse

Bill - Jim Bob - Sammie

Sue - Bill

Sue - Delores Esther

 Connie - Malcolm Faye - Gerald Elizabeth - Irene

Glenda - Jesse Faye - Johnny - Mildred Melba - Tom
Jo - John Earl Delores - Bill Margaret - Harry
Trae - Helen Jerry - Sy John - Carol

Jim - Candy

Joan - Bill Shirley - Delores

Ida is ready

Look who's first Food


One plate Another plate

 Jim - Winford Joan - Sue John Earl - Jim

Bill - Bob - Jim - Bill Irene - Elizabeth Jesse - Trae
Winford - Johnny - Ken ...and Santa Melba - Elaine


 two more photos to add to the RECENT PHOTOS section of the website.


Jesse Denison

James Cody

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