August Get-together 2006

Music Off <bgsound src="jeopardy.mid" loop="infinite"> 

  August 12:  Perkins Restaurant - Germantown.  38 were present on this occasion.
    Our future Get-togethers will be held at the Perkins Germantown Restaurant. 

Thanks to Joyce Sides Baker for these photos. 

Perkins Germantown

Group 1

Group 2


Glenn - Roberta Sue - Bill Faye - Gerald

Delores - Bill Don - Nancy Shirley - Jim

Doris - Sammie Mildred - Johnny Karl - Irene
Florine - Bill Sy - Winford Malcolm - Marie
John - Jo Don - Jerry Alex - Dottie
Mary Alice - Bobby Marie - Connie Shirley - Walker
Bill - Cindy Nancy - Sammie Karl - Bill
Faye - Alex - Gerald Shirley - Cindy ...and our photographer.
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