April Get-together 2012

Music Off

April 28 - Thank you Jim and Shirley Anderson for hosting another GREAT Get-together at your Germantown home.  58 classmates and friends joined the festivities this year.   A lot of photos were taken and they're in no particular order below.

Thanks to Joyce and Gene for these photos.  Click on a small photo to see a large photo.


Shirley - Katie - Jim - Tracey

Jim - Shirley

Natalie Shirley - Mildred Roberta

Alex - Dottie

Esther - Gene

Bob - Faye


Bill - Carl - Jim


Don - Nancy

Cortez - Natalie Katie - Jim - Tracey Sarah - Susan - Roberta - Mildred
Ann - Esther Faye - Sarah Gerald - Johnny

Melba - Tom

Glenda - Bennie

Ann - Roberta

Harry - Bennie - Jesse Helen - Gerald - Faye Helen - Trey
Harry - Gene Bill - Ann - Winford Cortez - Jo
Sarah L. C. - Joan Margaret - Sammie
Jesse - Cortez Joyce Mary Nell - Ann Fitzgerald
Mildred - Johnny Jim - Tracey Joan - Melba
Natalie-Gene-Gloria-Elizabeth-Delores   Susan Trey - Tom
Natalie - Bobby Katie - Tracey Richard - Nancy
Margaret - Jim Jim - Jerry Winford - Joan - L. C.

Bennie - Joyce - Gene

Bennie - Joyce - Ann

Delores - Faye


Connie - Bobby


Gerald - Winford



Bill - Delores



Bob - Alex


Johnny - Mildred


Nancy - Melba

Nancy - Margaret

Johnny - Mildred


Ann Fitzgerald  - Mary Nell

Alex - Dottie

Mildred - Sammie



L.C.-Jim -Shirley-Glenda-Jesse

Joan - L.C.


Cortez - Jo - Natalie

Harry - Elizabeth

Sarah - Gloria


Helen - Connie

Ann - Trey - Helen



Natalie - Gene

Trey - Carl



Carl - Delores - Bill - Jim

Jim's BIG cake

Mildred - Tracey - Shirley


On April 27 a group of 20 met at the Olive Garden Restaurant for a pre-Get-together dinner. 

Olive Garden Restaurant Ann - Margaret Cortez - Rob
Joyce Bennie - Faye Winford - Gene
Natalie - Jo Margaret - Sue Joyce - Winford
Gene - Natalie Gloria - Elizabeth Sue - Bennie
Carl - Ann Jo - Cortez Elizabeth - Harry
Faye - Gerald Rob Malcolm - Pansy
Winford Joyce - Gloria - Elizabeth Gloria - Elizabeth - Harry
Table 1 Table 2 Gene - Rob
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