April Get-together 2010

Music Off

April 10 - Thank you Jim and Shirley Anderson for hosting another GREAT Get-together at the Aintree Farms Clubhouse.  43 classmates and friends joined the festivities this year.

Thanks to Joyce for the photos below, which are presented mostly, in the order in which they were taken. 
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Aintree Farms Clubhouse

Our hosts:  Shirley - Jim Winford - Dedicated Joyce


 Mark - Tracy Gene - Jo - Natalie

Shirley - Elizabeth - Margaret

Faye - Bobby - Gerald Johnny - Harry - Elizabeth

Trey - Cortez Winford-Dottie-Alex-Jim Jim - Dottie

Jo - Esther

Gerald-Faye-Mildred-Johnny-Carl Gene-Natalie-Maureen-David


Gene looks at Scrapbook Jo - Elaine

Nancy - Melba Tracy - Mark- Jim Maureen - Bill - Gene - Sue


Margaret - Elizabeth - Mildred Connie - David

Natalie - Jo - Faye

Gerald - Sue Jim - Esther

Jerry - Jim

Model of Tech Gene - Esther

Tom-Elaine-Melba-Nancy-Jerry Faye-Connie-Bobby-Gerald Glenda-Elizabeth-Susan-Harry-Jesse


Gene - Sue Johnny - Mildred

Dottie - Winford - Alex

Ann - Jo - Natalie Mark - Tracy - Jim - Shirley

Gene - Sue Joyce - Gene Bill - Sue - John - Jo

Esther - Shirley - Joyce

"Plum tuckered out" Winford


Elizabeth - Winford The Golden Girls

Gene - Faye

Nancy - Jerry Ann - Elaine

Elaine-Jerry-Nancy-Ann Gene-Harry-Gerald-Winford-Carl-Bill Margaret-Esther-Sue-Joyce-Natalie-Glenda-Faye-Elizabeth

...and Thanks to Maureen Thoni White for the photos below - plus Gene took a couple.



Group Gene-Esther-Sue-Joyce

Jim's Official "Welcome"

Sue - Joyce Group

Johnny - Bill - Carl Sue - Mo - Gene Ann - Esther

Sue - Esther

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The Olive Garden Restaurant .  April 9  .  28 in attendance

Thanks to Joyce and Gene for the Photos (Photos were almost identical so I picked your best - I hope!)


Olive Garden - Germantown

Bobby Joyce - Bobby

Winford - Joyce Carl Susan - Ann

Cortez - Winford

Jo - Cortez Gerald - Faye

Glenda - Jesse

Bill - Sue Margaret
John Earl - Jo Roberta - Sarah - Wayne Jim - Shirley

Gene - Natalie

Dolores - Bill Harry - Elizabeth

Roberta - Sarah

Table 1 Table 2


Perkins Brunch .  April 11 .  10 in attendance
Thanks to Joyce for the photos.
- Natalie We wait ... patiently...

Winford - Rob - Jim - Don

Jim - Don - Rob Rob - Jim

Natalie - Gene

Gerald - Faye Don

Joyce - Winford Gene - Roberta Winford  -  Joyce -  Roberta
 Gerald -Natalie -Faye -Gene


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