April Get-together 2009

Music Off

April 18 - Jim and Shirley Anderson hosted another GREAT Get-together at their Germantown home.   48 classmates and friends joined the festivities...and it rained again for the 3rd straight year!!

Thanks to Joyce, Jo Lynn Yarbrough Smith, Susan Cave, and Gene for these photos.  The photos are mostly in the order in which they were taken.  There are over 190 photos on this page.  Please be patient while they load.


Shirley - Joyce Natalie - Esther

Click on small photo to see large photo.  Click on the large photo to return to this page.


Gene - Esther

Melba - Winford - Diana - Mary Nell Shirley - Connie - Irene

Carl - Jesse

Norma - Gene - Natalie Melba - Elaine - Jerry

Tom - Melba Bobby - Gerald - Faye - May Diana - Tom - Melba

Elaine - Jerry - Jim

Trae - Helen Martine - Margaret - Carl

Norma - Rex

Glenda - Natalie - Esther Glenda - Jesse

Delores - Bill Watching a Video Gene - Jim - Jesse

Joe - May

Joe - May - Betty - Glenda Shirley - Jim

Betty - Joe

Cortez - Natalie - Winford Sarah - Gene - Susan

Tom - Melba - Norma

Joe - May - Winford - Bobby Dottie - Alex

Bill - Carl Sue - Gene Cortez - Jo


Trae - Jesse - Dianna Shirley - Susan

Jim - Winford - Jim

Gerald - Faye Mary Nell - Martine

Esther - Norma - Betty Elaine - Melba - Sue - Sarah Connie - Irene

Irene - Bobby

Bobby - Jesse Jim - Tracy

Margaret - Joyce

Bobby - Bill Esther - Bill

Glenda - Faye

Gerald Carl

Tom - Rob - Winford Glenda - Jesse Mary Nell - Gene - Martine


Jo - Gene Margaret - Jerry - Melba


Mary Nell Sue - Norma - Joyce

Esther - Sue - Norma Nancy Claire - Nancy

Connie - May

Jim Joyce - Winford

Shirley - Jim Tracy Bill - Sue

Esther - Carl - Ann

Ann Sarah - Gene - Susan

Gene - Irene

Friends Plus One...

Ann - Connie Shirely - Tracy - Jim Carl - Jerry - Winford

Nat - Susan-Sarah-Gene

Ann-Winford-Shirley-Esther Jim

Speech! Cortez - Irene - Connie Still speaking...

Faye - Joyce - Winford

Bill - Carl FOOD!!!

Shirley - Jim - Carl

Natalie Norma - Rex - Margaret

Norma Joe - Winford - Gene Let's Eat

You name 'em

and these... and these...

Susan - Glenda - Jesse Faye - Helen - Trae Jim - Joe - bill

Natalie - Cortez

Susan - Gene - Jesse Shirley

Tom - Rob - Winford

Esther - Helen - Trae Margaret - Joyce

Still eating... Glenda - Jesse Mary Nell - Cortez - Martine

Jesse - Jesse Sarah Food

Blue and Gold Sue - Sarah Mary Nell - Gene

Glenda - Faye - Gerald Melba - Jerry - Elaine Bill - Bobby

Shirley - Rex - Jim Rob - Tom - Winford Jim - Sarah

Esther - Carl - Ann Faye - Sarah Bill - Delores - Glenda

Tech model and Glasses Don't bother me... Shirley - Gerald
Dinner at the Olive Garden  April 17 -  33 present

Table #1 Table #2 Cortez - Jo

Gerald - Faye

Glenda - Jesse Esther - Glenda

Jim - Natalie - Gene

Shirley - Jim Joyce - Winford

Connie - Bobby Sue - Bill Rob - Marie

Sarah - Roberta

Susan - Sarah Carl - Bill

Ann - Delores Elaine - Jerry Elizabeth - Harry

Dianna - Jesse

Jim Natalie-Gene-Gerald-Faye


Jim - Natalie Elaine-Jerry-Jo-Elizabeth

Susan-Sarah-Roberta Roberta Table 1
Harry - Bill Esther Harry

Bobby - Gene Carl - Jim - Bill Jim - Bill
Brunch at the Peabody   April 19 -  12 present

Peabody Sign Fountain Flowers


Peabody Ducks Continental Ballroom

Telephone Booths

House Phones Mezzanine Museum

Mezzanine Museum

Mezzanine Museum Gerald-Faye-Natalie-Jim

Joyce Jim - Gerald - Faye Winford - Joyce

Natalie - Gene

Roberta - Susan - Bobby Connie - Jim

Gene - Sarah Roberta - Susan - Bobby Joyce

Peabody Roof

This way to the Ducks The Duck's Penthouse

3 Mimosas

Brunch Group Yes...I will...

Wall fell...

Look at that... Weekend ends...

...and there's no place on earth as beautiful as Memphis in April

Most of these photos were taken at Oaklawn Gardens, 7831 Poplar Pike, Germantown.  This is the home of Harry and Becky Cloyes.  They have deeded this property to the City of Germantown for its' use when they are gone.  Harry is the brother of Johnnie Cloyes, Tech '53, who passed away a couple of years ago.


Dogwoods Azaleas

Azaleas and Dogwoods

Azaleas Dogwoods


Azaleas and Dogwoods Dogwoods

Azaleas and Dogwoods Azaleas Azaleas


Azaleas Azaleas

Azaleas and Dogwoods Dogwoods Dogwoods

Azaleas and Dogwoods

 Dogwoods Azaleas and Dogwoods


Dogwoods Azaleas and Dogwoods

Dogwoods Dogwoods Dogwoods
Thanks to everyone who participated in this fun-filled weekend.
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