55th Reunion: Tech High Class of 1951

Aintree Farms Club House .  April 22, 2006
             Thanks to Joyce, Sue, and Gene for the Photos

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  <bgsound src="youngatheart.mid" loop="infinite">

Jim - Shirley Sara Bobby Joyce - Winford

Joan - L.C. Faye - Gerald Pat - Sam Betty - Jim





Gwen - Randall Johnny - Mildred Gene - Joyce Sue - Bill

Norma - Rex Bill - Delores Gloria- Mary Ann- Hettyola Joye - Ray

Carl - Ann Jim- Martha- Frances- Joan Glenn - Roberta Elizabeth - Harry

Alex - Dottie Esther Glenda - Jesse Bobbie - Dot





Don - Nancy Irma - Larry Bob - Nora - Natalie Joy - Hettyola - June

Bill - Florine Gene Gloria Bob - Rex

Natalie - Joy - Esther Frances Bobbie - Dot - Bobby Esther - Bill





Bobby's Harem


Esther - Joe


Hettyola Sue Joe Norma

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